Free download the turing test the elusive standard of artificial intelligence
Free download the turing test the elusive standard of artificial intelligence

free download the turing test the elusive standard of artificial intelligence

She displays intuition when she expresses in session two that Nathan is not Caleb’s friend. When Caleb approaches her, she almost seems to feel his presence. Additionally, she shows that she is conscious as well. Turing would agree that Ava is a machine that has artificial intelligence. She applied her knowledge and understanding to actually physically respond. In fact, she understood what he said and she used his plan to get out. She listened to Caleb talk about how he was going to help her escape. At the end of the movie, she seemed to display true artificial intelligence.

free download the turing test the elusive standard of artificial intelligence

She does not understand why she needs to be tested to see if she is conscious when no humans need to be tested. For instance, in session five, she displays worry about whether or not Nathan is going to terminate her or not. But throughout the movie, she acquires opinions as well as other qualities that could help indicate that she would be able to pass an actual Turing test. Searle would say that this is can go with the Chinese room a machine is able to process information but they are incapable of understanding. Immediately, this would show that she is merely a machine. Once again in session two, she draws something and is unable to say what it even is. In session one, Ava is asked about her opinion and she replies that she does not know. Initially, Ava would not be able to pass.

free download the turing test the elusive standard of artificial intelligence

Turing specifically wants to know whether Ava can do the things that persons can do. So, Alan Turing begins by analyzing whether or not Ava would pass the Turing test. An overall theme throughout the movie is that of the Turing Test and whether or not Ava will be able to pass it.

Free download the turing test the elusive standard of artificial intelligence